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You are the voice. We are the echo.
The Echo
Taylor University, Upland, IN
Saturday, July 27, 2024
The Echo

Life & Times


Foodie Fix


For a small place in the middle of nowhere, Indiana, the towns around Taylor University do offer an abundance of choices in Mexican cuisine. 


Social work majors spend semester serving


Even if you’re familiar with the social work major at Taylor,  you may have no idea what social workers actually do. And that’s OK, because senior social work major Maiya Szotkowski didn’t either.

The Echo

Modern Solutions Required


Growing up, I did not have any spiritual mentors. This was because my church, like many others, excluded women from leadership. 

The Echo

What Taylor has taught us


 As Christmas Break approaches quickly, so does the end of a season at Taylor for many seniors graduating at the end of this semester. Looking back on the last few years, a few seniors share Taylor’s impact on their lives.


Modern Solutions Required


 Oprah Winfrey used to write a column entitled “Things I know for sure.” She admitted in an interview that this title was intimidating in and of itself because there are so few things we know to be unequivocally true.

Savannah Streiter.JPEG

A platform with a purpose


 Though it currently boasts over ten thousand followers, sophomore Savannah Strieter’s Instagram profile  — @savstrieter — came from humble beginnings. Strieter’s account first emerged in middle school with the handle “God’s Little Princesses,” claiming a support base of 98 followers.