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The Echo
Taylor University, Upland, IN
Saturday, July 27, 2024
The Echo

Q&A with new English Hall director

By Alyssa Roat | Echo

Q: What drew you to Taylor?

A: I heard a lot about Taylor from colleagues at Wheaton who had either attended, worked at Taylor or had kids going to Taylor.

Q: What is your "Taylor story?"

A: I originally applied as a hall director for Bergwall, but I didn't get the job. Instead, Scott Barrett, Director of Residence Life, called me and asked me if I would like to be the hall director for English, since Julia Hurlow was moving to a new position. I hadn't expected that, but I'm so glad to be here.

Q: What did you do before coming to Taylor?

A: I worked at Wheaton College as a counselor in the counseling department and the interim director of student care, but it was mostly part time. I was also a house parent at a transitional living home.

Q: What are you most looking forward to about your new job?

A: I love being with the students. I really love building personal relationships, getting to know people and having those casual conversations you don't get to have as a counselor.

Q: What is your favorite thing about English?

A: I love the people! Everyone is so friendly and welcoming, and there are so many diverse personalities!

Q: Are there any other fun things we should know about you?

A: I love K-pop and Korean dramas! If I ever have some downtime, you never have to wonder what I'll be doing.