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You are the voice. We are the echo.
The Echo
Taylor University, Upland, IN
Saturday, July 27, 2024
The Echo

Celebrating “100 Years” of Echo Coverage

Five stories revisit Taylor's history through the lens of The Echo

In the Oct. 25, 1963, edition of The Echo, multiple articles were written to honor the editors who had sustained the newspaper to its 50th volume.

Fifty years and 58 editors later, The Echo celebrates its centennial with a step back into its past 100 years as Taylor’s student newspaper.

The Echo has always been a product of its time, but it remains grounded in truth-telling and the vow of the paper’s very first editorial to show no partiality. Driven by faith and a strong ethical foundation, the legacy of The Echo has been shaped by the history it records.

During World War II, The Echo merged with the university yearbook The Gem (now Ilium).

The merge was in effort to present a suitable publication during the years of war. The paper was published bi-weekly and with the end of the war, The Echo returned to printing once a week.

With the aid of the University Archives, the current Echo staff has pieced together papers of the past into a chronological celebration of 100 years of Echo coverage.

— Corrie Dyke (’13), 2012-13 Editor in Chief

Part 1 — 1913-1930: The Echo: ahead of its time

Part 2 — 1930s-1950: Taylor’s accreditation—a Rediger accomplishment

Part 3 — 1950s-1970: Taylor and the Vietnam War

Part 4 — 1970s-1990: Honoring a trustworthy voice

Part 5 — 1990s-Now: Taylor enters the Information Age

View the full 100th anniversary edition below, as it was originally published during Homecoming on October 19, 2012.