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The Echo
Taylor University, Upland, IN
Friday, May 10, 2024
The Echo

I love Wengatz

By Davis Wetherell | Echo

You may have noticed a number of sharply dressed men strolling 'round campus, flaunting their masculinity today. Who are these people? And for what purpose do they dress so attractively?

We are Sammy, and today we celebrate Wengatz Appreciation Day.

I recently discovered there are some on campus who find this holiday to be more insulting than entertaining. I find this hard to believe. In order for something to be insulting, it must have some element of truth. For example, if you were to call me a child, I might be insulted considering I am, in fact, quite small. Truth exists in that jab. However, what truth is there in Wengatz Appreciation Day? Do men in Wengatz actually wear multiple popped collars and carry tennis rackets to class and boast about their parents' fat wallets?

Of course not.

The men of Wengatz are respectful, insightful and amazing. In fact, the way we portray them on this day is in fact the most distorted depiction possible. Therefore, recognize it is purely a joke, a farce, a harmless "prank" that can embarrass only ourselves.

Maybe some holiday history would soothe feelings. It is crucial to note that we are not portraying Wengatz as it exists today, but rather as it was rumored to have existed in the past. Legend has it that Wengatz was once the excessively rich and preppy dorm, and Sammy was the dorm for all uncultured swine. You can immediately see how false these perceptions are, which makes it humorous and not hurtful to believe this may have formerly been the case. So, in honor of this stereotype, the men of Sammy devote one day each school year to remember the past "glory" of Wengatz Hall.

Some think of our celebration as an attack on Wengatz because we're "rivals." Allow me to address the men of both dorms here: There is no rivalry. It is fake, made-up, artificial, constructed by vague and false perceptions of campus reality. Of course, some people buy into the idea of the rivalry, but consider how ridiculous the notion actually is! Are we truly going to let someone's residence hall determine whether or not we trust him, whether or not we like him and whether or not we invest in him?

For all those who actually buy into the rivalry: grow up. I dare each and every one of you to walk into the "enemy" dorm, and get to know at least one person who lives there.

If you do not feel comfortable with this, or if you simply want revenge, I suggest you join the fun and create a "Sammy Appreciation Day." You could walk around campus wearing jean overalls and chewing wheat straws, or eat with your hands at the DC. I encourage you to participate in such a fun event.

Wengatz-you may easily point out it is easier for me to say that Wengatz Appreciation Day is neither hurtful nor dividing considering I am the one celebrating it. Let me offer a recommendation to remedy this (and I might be breaching Sammy tradition doing so). Come celebrate with us. I would love if you threw on an extra popped collar today, carried around those golf clubs sitting in your closet and joined us for dinner at the DC. You can never have too many people appreciating Wengatz.