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The Echo
Taylor University, Upland, IN
Friday, May 3, 2024
The Echo

Beat the Blues

By Rachel Vachon

It's that time of year again. The holidays are hibernating, the semester has started and the winter winds are whipping through campus. It may be the spring semester, but winter has yet to let go of its harsh grip. Meanwhile, refreshed or not, the time has come to return to the realm of classes and homework. New books must be bought, a new routine formed and connections reforged. Nevertheless, as the excitement subsides and winter plods slowly on, those infamous winter blues return. Here are a few tips to break up the dreaded monotony and melancholy that characterizes this bleak season. Coffee with a friend. Whether you're dying to share your holiday escapades, or just need someone to talk to, the Jumping Bean is the perfect place to catch up with a friend. Mix it up by trying a new drink. You never know, it might be your new favorite. Build a snowman. If you can't beat it, play with it. Get some friends together and build the biggest, best and most creative snowman around. If you're feeling especially ornery, throw a snowball at an unsuspecting friend, but don't forget to duck.

See a show. On those uneventful weekends, grab some popcorn, curl up and watch a much loved movie. If you're itching to get out, catch a showing of the latest movie in theaters. For those wanting to stay closer to campus, see a Taylor Theatre production or a concert by Taylor's music department. Take a trip. While there is so much to do on campus, sometimes it's just nice to go somewhere. For a quick jaunt, Ivanhoe's is the place to go. With its great atmosphere and tasty treats, it provides a little something different. If a longer trip is in order, Marion is the answer. For the truly adventuresome, Muncie or Fort Wayne offer the greatest variety of options. Game day. Get some friends together to play some games. Have everyone bring their favorite game(s) and make an afternoon of it. It is a great way to get to know people better, as well as pass the time. Before you know it, the day will be gone and your boredom with it. Sports time. Get out of your dorm, take a study break and go support the Taylor Trojans this semester. You can let off some pent up energy by cheering, and have fun while providing moral support for your school. So if the winter is starting to get to you, look up the schedule for the next game and go. So no matter how you beat those winter blues, put up a fight and don't let it take over. Be spontaneous and turn a lackluster season into a sparkling and memorable experience. Now go, be creative, gather some friends, grab a camera, and have fun!